Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thank you, whoever you are...

Earlier this month I was very fortunate to win $250.00 in sponsorship money from Poker School Online (PSO) by placing second in the quarterly "Refer a Friend" freeroll. It's a nice promotion by PSO established as a way to reward current members who refer their friends to the site. It is the first time in my 5 years at PSO that I have earned any sponsorship money in this particular way. Bottom line is that I had a great tournament at the right time.

But here's the thing...I have no idea exactly who it is that I referred! Someone had to state when they signed up that "ChessSafari" referred them to the site. That's the only way I would have been entered in the tourney. So I am presuming that it is someone who read about PSO in one of my blogs and gave me the credit when they joined.
Therefore, whoever you are, this blog is to say Thank You Very Much!!!! I plan to use the sponsorship money to enter a live event later in the year at either Spirit Mountain or Pendleton. I'll let you know (here) how I do.

Bst wishes,